Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Years Goals!!!

    This year is going to start with a bunch of goals....

            First I am going to begin eating healthier. I had abandoned my healthy lifestyle for what seems like two months and I have about 10 lbs to show for it, that kinda sucks! 

            Second goal is to start putting in some time in my home gym to supplement my bike riding. I had a good workout routine last year that lasted for 6 weeks that gave me some good gains. This might take 20 mins almost everyday if that. NO EXCUSES ALLOWED.

           Third goal is to do more on this blog. We're traveling to Asheville for New Years and I'm looking forward to write about this trip.

What are your New Year's Resolutions????? 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

South Carolina State Museum Tour

The wife and I had the day off, so why not go to the museum??!! We haven't been in years but since they added the planetarium and 4D theater we decided to check it out. Here is a link if you decide to go...http://www.museum.state.sc.us/

Here is some of the things we saw and did
As you can see coffee rules the universe!!

The wild life seemed real enough.

Nice coast exhibit

Here is us at the beach!

Where's the grill?

Yeah ok, if you say so...
The Wife....
The wife and I had a pretty good time!